S. 7. 2. – Connecting empires and maritime routes

29 Jun 2022
Univ. Club, Room B

S. 7. 2. – Connecting empires and maritime routes

Chair: Teele Saar (Eesti Meremuuseum)

  • Nicola Carotenuto (Graduate Student (DPHil), Faculty of History, University of Oxford) – Between the Mediterranean and the Ocean: Genoa and Venice (Thirteenth-Fifteenth Century)
  • Sylviane Llinares (Université Bretagne Sud) – For a global history of maritime policies. The example of France in the 18th century between reform and modernization
  • Constantin Ardeleanu (The Lower Danube University of Galati/New Europe College, Bucharest) – Connecting Empires: Steamship and Mobility in the Black Sea (1830s-1850s)