S. 6. 1. – Cultural heritage and community interaction

29 Jun 2022
Univ. Club, Room A

S. 6. 1. – Cultural heritage and community interaction

Chair: Alice Semedo (FLUP/CITCEM)

  • Ángel I. Fernández-González (Universidade de Santiago, Spain) – Shellfish farming and fishing in the Galician Rias. The case of Carril, a century-old history
  • Jacques D. Mahler-Coetzee (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa) – Shipwrecks as legal spaces: considering underwater cultural heritage for marine spatial planning in ‘Bahia da Lagoa’ (Algoa Bay), South Africa     
  • Céline M. Stantina (McGill university (Montréal, QC, Canada) – From the deck of the whaling ship to the metropolitan Museums: an epistemological study of “the vanguard[s] of ocean science” in eighteenth century zoological publications